About The National Mentoring Day


The National Mentoring Day serves as a platform to help horn the importance of mentoring in personal and career development, business and entrepreneurship, growth and sustainability among others.


Taking place on the 18th of July each year, the day encourages events to take place throughout the country by individuals and organizations. This date is also chosen strategically to commemorate and celebrate the values and legacy of Nelson Mandela.

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 As a trans-generational leader, this day is celebrated across Africa and the world at large for his great leadership, sacrifice and impact on the lives of many people.

Mandela has become a symbol of what one can achieve with true dedication to a cause, and a moral authority whose name inevitably stands tall alongside other freedom fighters, including Mahatma, and Martin Luther King Jr.

The National mentoring day is a platform calling on businesses of all sizes to allow their employees to mentor, giving children positive role models, equipping startups, NGOs and social enterprises with requisite knowledge and expertise and offering employees a way to give back to society.

The private sector is uniquely positioned to make an impact through mentoring in the communities where they are located. Companies not only have financial resources to invest in quality programs, but also a pool of adults who can model positive attitudes, intellectual curiosity, compassion for others and the determination to succeed – characteristics young people need in order to achieve success. In return for these investments, businesses see increased employee productivity, improved morale and retention, and positive community relations.

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Get involved
Everyone from individuals, companies, schools, communities, universities and governments are encouraged to share their own mentoring success stories and case studies and to use the month of July, to participate in raising awareness about mentoring, available mentoring schemes and promoting the positive benefits that mentoring brings.
Volunteer with a mentoring program: Give your time to an organization that works to match adult mentors with children and young adults in need of guidance. Helping others can be incredibly rewarding and a great way to celebrate National Mentoring Day.
Host an event: Organize an event, such as a dinner, cocktail, Meet-up, or even online via Zoom or other video conferencing platforms, to bring together current and future mentors and volunteers.

By taking part you can help celebrate mentoring and recognize the great work that mentors are doing across the country to create more awareness on the invaluable contribution that mentoring makes.

Join in and help share the National Mentoring Day campaign on social media or in your newsletters, articles or blogs and together we can promote the power of mentoring and help make a difference.

Share inspirational stories: Share inspiring stories from your own experiences or from those of others. Post on social media and spread awareness about the value of mentoring. You’ll be helping create a ripple effect for change. #nationalmentoringday

Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals: We operate an open door policy for partnerships, collaborations, grants and support from organizations with an interest in volunteerism and mentoring in all its forms for businesses, individuals and mentors.

We look forward to a fruitful partnership with you towards the achievement of our vision of accelerating development and prosperity through Mentorship.
Reach us at info@mveawards.org

Donate to a mentorship organization: Support organizations that work diligently to mentor those in need by making a financial contribution on National Mentoring Day or any day throughout the year.

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